
How Does Fee For Service Provide Flexibility

Mod managed wellness care grew out of a want to reform the traditional wellness intendance system, or the fee-for-service method of charging for health care.


Under the fee-for-service method, doctors and hospitals got paid for each service they performed. There were no limits on their treatment decisions; doctors or hospitals could gild every bit many tests as they felt necessary, for example. Doctors and hospitals made a lot of money under this organization considering they decided the prices charged for every visit. However, patients did non e'er do good because their insurance companies would often simply pay a percentage of the fees being charged. For case, if a doctor charged $100 for a checkup, but the insurance company felt that $80 was a off-white price, the patient would take to pay the extra $20, until a certain deductible was met. (A deductible is the amount of money, as determined by the health care programme, a patient must pay for services before the health care program will pay for any medical bills.)

The different types of fee-for-service include indemnity plans and reimbursement plans. In an indemnity plan, the insurer sets an amount that it will pay for a specific medical service. In a reimbursement plan, the patient must pay all fees up front and then file claims to be reimbursed by the insurer. Fee-for-service health intendance is no longer widely in utilize. Virtually people today accept some kind of managed care insurance.


Sometimes doctors achieve an understanding with a managed care arrangement called capitation, wherein the md is paid per person. Under this agreement, doctors accept members of the plan for a sure set toll per member, no affair how often the member sees the dr.. For example, the medico may be paid $20.00 per fellow member every month and that corporeality doesn't change if the member comes in for five appointments that month or none.

Managed Care

In that location are many kinds of managed care organizations, merely at that place are some common characteristics amongst them. All managed care organizations supervise the financing of medical care delivered to members. They all are concerned with cost-effectiveness, or saving money. By ownership services in bulk, for many members at a time, managed care organizations can get lower prices with doctors and hospitals. Managed care organizations as well reduce costs by limiting selection, which means providing members with a list of doctors from which to choose and lists of labs where tests can exist performed. Even doctors are provided with lists of medicines from which to cull. Unlike plans have dissimilar restrictions on choice. Many people feel that express choices are the downside of managed care. Generally, a member can expand the possible choices if he or she is willing to pay more.

At the same time, managed care organizations have intendance of the delivery system for their members. For case, they manage who provides the health care, where it is provided, and the different kinds of doctors in their particular system. Nurses, doctors, therapists, pharmacists, and hospitals are all a part of the delivery system.


Managed care organizations make the primary intendance physician the core of wellness care commitment. Choosing a primary care md is i of the most of import choices in any managed care programme. The chief care physician is responsible for the total care of a member and may also act every bit a gatekeeper to additional medical services, which means the master care physician is responsible for referring the patient to other doctors, or specialists. A specialist is a md who concentrates on only 1 surface area of medicine, such as a dermatologist (pare specialist) or cardiologist (heart specialist).

The first stride in choosing a main care doctor is to wait at the plan'southward list of canonical physicians. Choosing just any doctor won't exercise; it is important to observe a doctor whose style and approach to health care matches that of the patient. It's recommended that a person enquire family and friends about doctors they have seen in the by and would recommend. They may be able to provide important information about how long information technology takes to get an engagement with a specific doctor or whether the doc is understanding and easy to talk to. It is also appropriate to ask the insurance programme about the doctor's credentials and whether the plan has received whatever feedback on the md from patient surveys.

In making the terminal decision at that place are some other questions to consider:

  • Is the location of the physician's role convenient?
  • What are the office hours? Does the function open up early? Does the doc make appointments later 5 P.Thousand. ? Does the doctor take Saturday hours?
  • Is the office clean and orderly? Is the part staff friendly and polite?
  • How do patients communicate with the doctor? Does the doctor take an answering service or vocalization mail where a patient can leave a message? Will a nurse return calls? Will someone return the call inside twenty-four hours?

Making an interview appointment is one way to question the doctor. A phone interview can be sufficient if there is not time to make an appointment. If a patient has a chronic (oftentimes recurring) condition or special health care concerns, information technology is even more than important to find a md with a like approach to treatment and with experience in treating the specific condition.

Choosing a primary care physician is not a permanent choice. Patients can consult their programme handbook for instructions about how to change doctors. Some plans will limit the number of times one can change doctors within a year. Make certain to alarm both the insurance program and the doctor's office (so that patient records tin exist transferred) if changing doctors.

The Referral Procedure

Understanding the referral procedure is disquisitional to navigating the managed care organization. Managed intendance organizations require patients to become a referral from the chief care physician (the doctor responsible for a patient's total health care) in order to see a specialist. A referral is like a permission slip from the primary care physician. It allows patients to seek treatment from a specialist when the chief care physician is unable to treat the patient'south problem. This is ane mode to go on insurance costs downward. Without a referral, the patient may be charged full price for any medical care received by a specialist. Plans deal with referrals in different ways. Certain regular health visits may not crave a referral. For example, women can frequently see a gynecologist (doctors who specialize in treating the female reproductive system) without getting a referral from the chief care physician. The complexities of the referral procedure may be a gene in the choice of an insurance plan.

Types of Managed Health Intendance Plans

Managed wellness care is an alphabet soup of confusing abbreviations: HMOs, PPOs, POS. What exercise they all hateful? Surprisingly, many people do not know.

HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS (HMO). HMOs were designed to provide one-terminate-shopping for patients: everything a patient might need with no hidden costs. An individual or an employer pays for health coverage in accelerate by paying the health coverage premium (the amount paid for an insurance policy). Provided a patient stays within the plan, at that place volition not exist whatsoever additional costs except for copayments, if applicable.

Health maintenance organizations are chosen such because HMOs mostly comprehend preventative care, such as yearly checkups and immunizations. HMOs have a self-involvement in keeping people salubrious considering healthy people don't spend a lot of coin on wellness intendance. HMOs desire to promote preventive health care so issues are caught or stopped before they can start. HMOs also control the quality of health intendance for members. The majority of services must be pre-approved by the primary intendance medico. The referral process allows all service to exist reviewed past the HMO for necessity, appropriateness, and price.

Of course, there are good parts and bad parts of this system. Good HMOs utilize referrals to screen out bad or inappropriate medical practices. However, bad HMOs can use referrals to limit care that is really necessary for the health of the patient. Ane criticism of HMOs is that decisions nigh the necessity or appropriateness of care are made non by doctors simply by business organization people who may care more about toll than quality of care.

There are several different kinds of HMOs. The two most common are staff model HMOs and independent do associations (IPAs). The staff model HMO is the best example of the one-stop-shopping approach. The doctors, medical records, labs, and pharmacy are all housed inside i location. Sometimes services may be off-site from the central location. Patients may take to go to some other location to run across a specialist, but the specialist must still work for the same HMO system.

IPAs are made up of doctors, both primary intendance physicians and specialists, who see program members in their own offices, instead of under ane roof. Doctors may participate in several different IPAs. One advantage to IPAs is that there may exist a larger selection of doctors and specialists from which to cull than in a staff model HMO. It's necessary to counterbalance these advantages

Spending time on the phone with a health insurance provider—seeking a referral or clearing up a bill—can be a frustrating part of managed health care. (Photograph by Robert J. Huffman. Field Mark Publications. Reproduced by permission.)

Spending time on the phone with a wellness insurance provider—seeking a referral or immigration upward a bill—tin can exist a frustrating part of managed wellness care. (Photograph by

Robert J. Huffman. Field Mark Publications

. Reproduced by permission.)

against the convenience of the staff model HMO to make the best choice for oneself. Some people will have more than choices than others. They will either ask their insurance visitor what kind of HMOs are available for them depending on what they can afford, or they will have to pick whatever their employers offering them.

There are several more than types of HMOs, only the major deviation amid the types is in the details of the understanding made between the managed intendance organization and the doctors, such as patient admission to doctors, referrals, and payment arrangements.

PREFERRED PROVIDER System (PPO). A preferred provider organization is some other kind of health plan in which members accept their wellness care paid for only when they cull from a network of doctors and hospitals. The network is a group of wellness care providers who accept contracts with the PPO. The wellness care providers concord to offering a discount rate to PPO members. The PPO coordinates referrals and reviews treatment recommendations from participating doctors. A PPO can offering more choice and flexibility in choosing a doctor than an HMO. Withal, if a fellow member sees a dr. exterior of the network, the member volition be required to pay part, or all, of the fee.

Point OF SERVICE (POS). A bespeak of service plan offers the most choice to the private by combining HMOs, PPOs, and more than traditional health care plans. The member can choose at the time of each visit, or what's referred to as "the bespeak of service," which doctor to run into. For instance, while a patient may cull to apply a primary intendance physician from an HMO for a regular checkup, he or she may later decide to exit of network for another service, such as to a cardiologist, or heart specialist. Therefore, the patient chooses, each fourth dimension at that place is a demand for a medico, who he or she is going to see. A POS plan has different levels of cost to the fellow member. For example, a member can encounter a doctor in the HMO for no extra cost, a dr. in the PPO network for some out-of-pocket cost, or fifty-fifty get to a dr. exterior of the HMO or PPO for a higher outof-pocket price. The PPO may all the same require referrals from a master intendance physician. Since plans vary, members should fully understand the costs and restrictions before visiting a doctor.

Cleave OUTS

Carve outs are medical services that are separated from the residue of the services within a wellness care plan. These services are contracted for separately from all other medical services. Carve outs often include mental health and substance abuse treatment, dental and vision care, and chemist's shop benefits. Some plans offer these services as a piece of their regular coverage while other plans "cleave out" the services, and members choose whether or not the coverage is desired, for an additional premium cost. Specialty HMOs can be set for ane gear up of medical services, such as dental services. Specialty HMOs operate simply like regular HMOs but may have dissimilar rules well-nigh referrals, and so information technology'southward important to check out the requirements for making use of these benefits. Check out the fees for seeing specialty providers and the procedure for getting referrals. There may also be carve up lists for participating physicians in specialty areas similar counselors, therapists, and dentists.

MANAGED INDEMNITY. The managed indemnity is the final option for patients choosing fee-for-service plans. A fellow member of a managed indemnity plan can choose to see whatever doctor. However, members must get prior approval for outpatient procedures and hospitalizations. Managed indemnity plans do not always cover preventative health care visits, and members sometimes have to file claim forms for certain services.

There are many kinds of managed health intendance organizations. Every managed care plan has rules for using its services, especially for referrals. These rules tin can exist complicated simply are important for an individual to understand when choosing a health care plan. The trick is to assess one's needs for health care and match those needs with the most accommodating managed care plan. A piffling homework early on tin can brand for a productive relationship with the managed care organization.

How Does Fee For Service Provide Flexibility,


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